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The National Cyber League (NCL) is one of several Ethical Hacking Challenges that reflect Knowledge Skills and Abilities (KSA) that are sought after by independent professionals, entrepreneurs, and Security Operations Centers (SOC) around the world. This course supports development of these KSA.

Software Architectures and Algorithms is the second transfer level course in the Computer Science major. Where the first course addressed control structures, objects, fundamentals of program design, and fundamentals implementation, this course introduces you to the existing Body of Knowledge (BOK) in data structures, algorithms, debugging, testing, and integration of your code with existing software frameworks. This combination of well understood data structures and well tested algorithms enables you to focus on placing the software you create into an architecture that supports correct operation and meets performance goals.

Introduction to computer programming: Algorithm design through use of control structures, flow charting, and debugging; elements of good programming style; introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) through the design and implementation of objects that interact using well-defined interfaces to solve a problem.

Design and development of large programs: Systematic data abstraction, strongly typed data and data structures, object declaration models, inheritance and polymorphism, information hiding, managed frameworks and libraries such as the Standard Template Library (STL), object life cycles and garbage collection, recursion, well-defined algorithms, collections and iterator abstraction, strategies for code re-use, testing, UML and software engineering principles.

An analysis of technologies for connecting computers and computer related devices into networks. This course covers the terminology and the major components of networks: architecture, topologies, hardware components, connections, protocols, network operations, network administration, support, and troubleshooting. Wide Area Networks (WANs) are also covered. Follows the objectives of the CompTIA Net+ certification exam. CSU Requires an additional 2 hours. Preparation for CompTIA Network+ certification exam. ADVISE: CNIT 100 or 101.

Hammer and Wrench labeled Operate and Maintain

Fundamental principles of Information Technology Security and Risk Management: Hardware software processes communications applications and policies and procedures of organizational cyber security and risk management.

NICE Framework Connections

Most software products are created using automated build systems. These systems build software whenever any code or data is changed and deliver the latest version of an application. This course teaches you about these continuous delivery systems and how to use them to automatically perform build, integration, and deployment on a continuous basis.